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驚くほど速いRaspberry Pi 2、重かったWebアクセスも快適に

小型PCボード「Raspberry Pi」(ラズパイ)の新機種「Raspberry Pi 2モデルB」(以下、Pi2)が2015年2月2日に発表され、同時に出荷も始まりました(関連記事:Raspberry Piの2世代目が登場、性能6倍で価格は据え置き)。早速、入手して触ってみると、その速さに驚かされました。




As you can see from this graph, the multi-threaded CPU intensive benchmarks ran far faster than on the previous Pi: about 6 times faster than the version 1 Pi without overclocking, and 4 times faster than the version 1 Pi with turbo overclocking enabled. This is compared to a B+, but the results should be the same for all previous versions of the Pi as they had the same SoC.
These multi-threaded benchmarks were specifically designed to split the load up well across many processor cores. In real life, not all processing tasks do, so we also ran benchmarks for singe-threaded tasks. In this case, the new Pi ran about 1.7 times the speed of the old version, and still noticeably faster even when the version 1 Pi had turbo overclocking enabled.
With the memory no longer mounted on top, you can see the Broadcom logo on the SoC.
To get a feel for how the new model performed normal tasks, not just articifial benchmarks, we also timed a series of normal computing tasks, like installing software, starting a work processor and opening a complex spread sheet. These came together to form the typical desktop workloads benchmarks. As you can see on the graph above, the new Pi dramatically out performed the old Pi at these.
The new memory is clocked slightly faster than on the old version, so that accounts for the difference in the memory benchmark (it didn’t take into account the larger size). Increasedencryption performance of accounted for the majority of the difference in the networking benchmark as it included a test for secure transfer.
The new Pi uses exactly the same VideoCore IV GPU as the previous model, so there is no significant difference in 3D performance or capability.
Benchmarks are good indicators of performance, but they’re rubbish at detailing how a computer feels. The multi-core SoC and increased memory means the new Pi is much more suited to desktop use than it’s predecessor. Switching tasks is now much snappier, and browsing the web is no longer an exercise in frustration. It’s a great upgrade, and since it retains the same price as the old Version 1 Model B+ ($35), it represents fantastic value for money.
